Our work
References 2024
in the process
References 2023
- Modernization of transport roads and clearing process of malt plant, Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Production and assembly of machine technology for flour transport, Pohronský Ruskov Mill, a.s. Pohronský Ruskov
- Production of the circular emptying screw conveyor for silo fi. 16,8 m, SIAGRA s.r.o. Zlín-Malenovice
- Production of soft component containers, VKS Pohledští Dvořáci, a.s. Havličkuv Brod
- Production of belt conveyor PD 800 + chassis, l = 6.200mm, P = 3,0kW and production of PD 1000, l = 4.000mm, P = 1,5kW, H + EKO, spol. s r.o., Košice
- Repair of existing machine technology and addition of pocket conveyor, MATEX, s.r.o. Veškovce, Veľké Kapušany
- Production of tapping segments D151/d71/s150-185, P-8mm, material COBRANOX, PRO - GE, s.r.o. Nitra
- Production of tapping segments D370/d115/s320, P-8mm, material Hardox 450, TI - KOMPAKT, s.r.o. Žilina
- Replacement of pocket elevator, 130 t/hr, KD80-32A, ENVIRAL, a.s. Leopoldov
- Installation of the 2nd offset road and the backward transport road, Primagra, a.s., 262 31 Milín
- Production of chain conveyor, RD160, L-15m, P-2,2kW, Pohronský Ruskov Mill, a.s. Pohr. Ruskov
- Production of threaded tube segments D600/d133/s250 mm, D600/d133/s450 mm, D600/d159/s450 mm, D190/d51/s160 mm, P-8 mm + P-3 mm, material S355, DOLVAP, s.r.o. Varín
- Production of pocket conveyor KD3013, h-7,2 m, P-1,1 kW, SILO s.r.o. Stonarov
- Repair and reconstruction of machine technology, Úněšovský statek a.s., Úněšov
- Delivery and assembly of machine technology for post-collection line, TOPAGRO, s.r.o. Parchovany
- Production of threaded tube segments, D300/d76/s250, D160/d48,3/s160, D200/d60,3/s180, P-4 mm, 5 mm, 3 mm material 11523, G&G filtration, s.r.o. Likavka
- Production of separators and accessories, Leier Baustoffe SK, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Supply of conveyor belt and scoops for pocket conveyors, EUROVIA SK, a.s. Košice
- Production of threaded shaft D180/d88,9/s144, P-3 mm, material S355, l-5.650 mm, SLOVMAG, a.s. Lubeník
- Production of asymmetric flaps, flap tongue - P-5 mm (Hardox 450), flap skeleton - P-5 mm (S355), Carmeuse Slovakia, s.r.o. Košice
- Production of threaded tube with shaft D400/d102/s400, P-8 mm, material S355, l-3.255 mm, Lycos Malt s.r.o. Trnava
- Production of STG - chain, pocket, screw conveyors, elements of conveyor transport, FARMIX a.s. Radomyšl
- Production of tapping segments, D320/d88,9/s250, P-4 mm, material S355, GIM - S s.r.o. Petrovany
- Production of conveyor screw thread D115/d48,3/s80, P-3 mm, material stainless steel (AISI 304), l-2.540 mm
- Production of screw conveyor DZT380, L - 4900 mm, P-9,2 kW, Calmit, spol. s.r.o. Bratislava
- Installation of MZ 2,5x2,5 hopper and DZ250 screw conveyor, l = 13.500 mm, P = 3,0 kW, Heneken Melts, s.r.o. Bratislava - Ružinov district
- Production of push screw conveyor DZ250, L-10,0m, P-2,2kW, Agricultural cooperative Podolie
- Delivery and installation of vibrators for storage tank DDGS, ENVIRAL, a.s. Leopoldov
- Production of threaded bush with shaft D250/d133/s250, P-5 mm, material S355, l-5.904 mm, MIDORIING, s.r.o. Košice
- Production and installation of the automatic sampler of rapeseed scrap, Poľnoservis, a.s. Leopoldov
- Production of 2 pcs of screw conveyors DZ250, L = 17,5bm, TRANSPED s.r.o. Čierna nad Tisou
- Renovation of chain conveyors RD420, RD360, ENVIRAL, a.s. Leopoldov
- Pre-season service work on post-harvest line and dryer Mathews Company, Peasant cooperative Voľa
- Reconstruction and modernization of the loading line pos. 15,16 and 17 (RD 360) for 92 kt in Hustopeče, NAVOS, a.s. Kroměříž
- Replacement of 1 extended chain conveyor RD 260 at silo 3 in Chrlice, NAVOS, a.s. Kroměříž
- Modification and renovation of machine technology on the dispatch route of the silo Streda nad Bodrogom, GOODGRAIN, s.r.o. Streda nad Bodrogom
- Production of steel staircase, WBB s.r.o. Prešov
- Repair of machine technology and purifier Petkus K527, Agricultural cooperative Dolný Ohaj
- Production of threaded bush with shaft D400/d152,4/s310, P-12 mm, material S355, l-2.200 mm, Renviro s. r. o. Bratislava
- Production of threaded rod segments, D160/d48,3/s160, D120/d45/s120, P-5 mm, material tr. 11, PaB Závitovky s. r. o. Bratislava
- Reconstruction of grain intake and outlet on steel silos, MONY spol. s r.o. Pohronský Ruskov
- Replacement of grain pocket conveyor No.7 and chain conveyor No.34 and connection to the dryer at Klatovy silo, Primagra, a.s. Milín
- Production of filter FP2, B+R OK VZT, Banská Bystrica, spol. s.r.o.
- Production of threaded rod with shaft D200/d60,3/s200, P-3 mm, material S355, l-1.500 - 3.500 mm, SLOVMAG, a.s. Lubeník
- Complete reconstruction of the fodder mix production plant, Podielnické poľnohospodárske družstvo Komjatice
- Production and assembly of machine technology and elements of catchment transport, TAJBA, a.s. Čaňa
- Production of tapping segments, D230/d60,3/s200, P-5 mm, material AISI 304, AMAN s.r.o. Markušovce
- Repair of ASP 750 purifier, Agricultural cooperative "Cesta mieru" Necpaly - Žabokreky
- Production of tapping segments, D350/d168,3/s320, P-10 mm, material Hardox 450, KONTUR, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Production of pocket conveyors KD56.20, h-15,3m, 30,0m, 60 t/hr + circular distributor, Ing. Szabó Zoltán - RAFTYS, Nové Zámky
- Production of belt conveyors PD 800, l-11m, 12m, 20 m, Xylo Machinery SK s.r.o. Prešov
- Production of split upper head of EK32 pocket conveyor without drive, BGV, s.r.o. Hniezdne
- Production of tapping segments, D450/d300/s300, P-8 mm, material Hardox 450, DAK - JK, s.r.o. Dubnica nad Váhom
- Production of threaded bush with shaft D175/d57/s150, P-2 mm, material AISI 304, l-1.935 mm, MILSY a.s. Bánovce nad Bebravou
- Production of screw conveyor DZ250, L - 2.410 mm, P-0,75 kW, NMH s.r.o. Sereď
- Service and repair of existing machine technology, VKS Pohledští Dvořáci, a.s. Havlíčkuv Brod
- Production of tapping segments, D630/d219/s600, P-8 mm, material Hardox 450, Xylo Machinery SK s.r.o. Prešov
- Expansion of the storage management (grain silo) 2 x 2000 tons, conveyor capacity 150 t/h. Roads from dryer 40 t/h. Agricultural cooperative "Radošinka" Veľké Ripňany
- Production of threaded tube segments, D200/d50/s180, P-3 mm, material AISI 316, ENVIRONEXT j. s. a. Trnava
- Repair of machine technology of post-harvest line, AT ABOV, spol. s r.o. Rozhanovce
- Production and assembly of chain conveyors RD 260, RD 420 and elements of catchment transport, ENVIRAL, a.s. Leopoldov
- Production of threaded segments, D200/d76/s200, D365/d139/s350, P-8 mm, material Hardox 450, PAPSERVIS SLAVOŠOVCE, s.r.o. Slavošovce
- Repair of the drag elevator and increase of capacity to 60 t/h, LYCOS - Trnavské sladovne, spol. s r. o.
- Production of chain conveyor RD360, atex, l-8.700mm, P - 7,5kW, ENVIRAL, a.s. Leopoldov
- Production of coil segments, D290/d114,3/s250, P-8 mm, material S355, MENERT-THERM, s.r.o. Šaľa
- Repair of the threaded rod and replacement of the upper head of the pocket conveyor, VSK PRO - ZEO s.r.o. Košice
- Replacement of ASP 750 pre-cleaner and reconstruction of post-harvest line, AGRONÁKUP T, s.r.o. Zemplínsky Branč
- Delivery and installation of the Petkus U15 scrubber and delivery of the scrubber - DE-Awner SE 20 PETKUS, 4Good s.r.o. Šamorín
- Production of sliding belt conveyor PD 900, L - 2500 mm, P - 1,5 kW, Juházy, s. r. o. Ždaňa
- Repair of machine technology on the existing post-harvest line, Agricultural cooperative Močenok
- Replacement of conveyor belt, scoops and electric gearbox on existing pocket conveyor, DIAKOL STRÁŽSKE, s.r.o.
- Production and replacement of the lower head of the pocket conveyor, replacement of the conveyor pipe l = 2m (2pcs), conveyor belt, scoops, pulleys with shaft including NORD drive, INTOCAST Slovakia a.s. Košice - urban part Šaca
- Production of chain conveyor RD260, l - 7,5 m, P - 2,2 kW, 60 - 80 t/hr, UBM Invest Slovakia, s. r. o. Čaňa
- Repair of screw conveyors, belt conveyors and replacement of electrical transmission lines, VSK PRO - ZEO s.r.o. Košice
- Production of pocket conveyor KD56-20, h = 8,3m, P = 4,0kW, MT PELET, spol. s.r.o. Závažná Poruba
- Production of screw conveyor ZD320, l-12 m, P- 4 kW, output 32 t/hr (wheat) 2 pcs, two-way guiding element manual 219 asymmetric with limit switches, DMS TECH, s. r. o. Prešov
- Spare parts supply and service of dryers Mathews Company
- Production and supply of spare parts for PETKUS and ASP 750 purifiers
- Production and supply of screens for scrapers and scrubbers of various manufacturers
- Manufacture and supply of auger segments for combine harvesters, mixer feed wagons, spreaders, etc.
- Production and supply of spare parts for extruders ED 30 and ED 50
- Supply of scoops and conveyor belts for bucket and belt conveyors
References 2022
- Expansion of post-harvest treatment and storage of agri-commodities by 30 000 t, Bánovce nad Ondavou operation, INTERAGROS, a. s.Trnava
- Production and assembly of bins and machine technology for the production of feed mixtures for pets, Ing. František Vraník - BIOFER-association, Prešov
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZT140, l-2700 mm, P-1,5 kW, material AISI 304, Jacobs Slovakia s.r.o. Trnava
- Production of threaded tube fi. 325, l-2.770 mm, l-1.830 mm, D325/d114,3/s310, P-6mm, material HARDOX 450, TATRAVAGÓNKA a.s. Poprad
- Delivery and installation of Mathews Company L 1500 dryer + related machine technology, Arimex Bratislava spol. s r.o., Humenné centre
- Production of driving and tensioning head of chain conveyor RDz260, O.F. MILL, spol. s r. o. Sereď
- Production of threaded tube segments D350/d127/s275 mm, P-8 mm, material 1.4828, Q.U.E.S.T. engineering s.r.o. Trnava
- Production of PKZ 5.5 compound feed transporter, AT ABOV, spol. s r.o. Rozhanovce
- Production of threaded rods with shaft D200/d60,3/s150, P-3 mm, material S355, l-1.400 mm, l-2.000 mm, l-2.500 mm, l-2.600 mm, l-3.000 mm, SLOVMAG, a.s. Lubeník
- Manufacture of screw conveyor DZ500, l-3.000 mm, screw conveyor D500/d219/s250, P-6mm, material AISI 304, skeleton P-5mm, S235/S355, ZMOP - Manufacture & Erection s.r.o. Modra
- Production of machine technology for transport of malt flower and pellets, AGROEX, s. r. o. Piešt'any
- Delivery and installation of Mathews Company L 1500 dryer + related machine technology, TAJBA, a.s. Čaňa, centre Čečejovce
- Production and assembly of machine technology and bins for the extension of the dispatch of feed mixtures, VKS Pohledští Dvořáci, a.s. Havličkuv Brod
- Repair and production of spare parts for agricultural machinery, STROJPOL-M, s.r.o. Prešov
- Repair and production of spare parts for self-propelled cutters, HOFER, s.r.o. Prešov
- Production of tapping segments D250/d61/s250, P-4mm, material A316Ti, ROLLER spol. s.r.o. Jesenské
- Dryer superstructure - conversion of the Mathews Company dryer from MC 975 to L 2650, AGROREÁL a.s. Streda n. Bodrogom
- Production of threaded tube segments D380/d114/s320, P-10 mm, material 11 523, CEMDESIGN, spol. s.r.o. Trenčín
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZT 150, l-2.610 mm, Bronx Process Technologies s.r.o. Košice
- Supply of spare parts for pocket conveyor KD 80.32, IESA s. r. o. Bratislava
- Extension of the post-harvest line with the Mathews Company EcoSeries E 600 dryer, MVDr. Karch Jozef, Michalovce, p. Sejkov
- Production of 2 pocket conveyors KD 30.12, H-5,2 m and 6,2 m, Juraj Kušnirik, Nizhny Zipov
- Production of coil segments D195/d60,3/s160, D400/d111/s350, P-6 mm, material S355, MENERT spol. s.r.o., Šaľa
- Delivery and installation of Mathews Company EcoSeries E 400 dryer, Anja, spol. s r.o. Bratislava, str. Dolná Streda
- Dismantling of conveyor belt and production and assembly of chain conveyor including floor drains under cells, Heineken Slovensko Sladovne, a.s. Hurbanovo
- Production of pocket conveyor KD 30.12, H-6,2 m, Ján Čižmár, Orechová
- Modification and extension of the post-collection line with the Mathews Company EcoSeries E 500 dryer, Olšanka spol. s r.o., Košické Oľšany
- Production of threaded tube segments D190/d60,3/s190, P-5 mm, material Hardox 450, Remeslo strojal, s.r.o. Žiar nad Hronom
- Production of pulleys fi. 350, w-120 mm, OFZ, a.s. Oravský Podzámok
- Production of threaded tube segments D120/d40/s125, D150/d50/s150, P-6 mm, material Hardox 450, Confal a.s., Slovenská Ľupča
- Production of DZ 250, l = 6.400 mm + 6.700 mm, ILD SK, spol. s.r.o. Košice
- Production of belt conveyor PD650, l = 12bm, P = 3,0kW, DMS TECH, s. r. o. Prešov
- Production of tapping segments D320/d139,7/s300, P-4mm, material Hardox 450, CWT Metal s.r.o., Brzotín
- Production of coil segments D219/d75/s150 + D180/d75/s135 + D160/d75/s120 + D150/d75/s110, P-5 mm, material S355, PK DRILL s.r.o. Košice - city part West
- Modernization of transport roads and clearing process of malt plant, Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Production and assembly of machine technology for grain dispatch from Vitkovice silos, TV AGRO s. r. o. Šurany
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZT 288, l-2188 mm, material AISI 304, NMH s.r.o. Sereď
- Production of threaded tube segments D250/d91/s250, P-5 mm, material AISI 321, Duslo, a.s. Šaľa
- Production of STG - chain, pocket, screw conveyors, elements of conveyor transport, FARMIX a.s. Radomyšl
- Production of threaded tube segments D200/d60/s200 + s100, P-4 mm, material HARDOX 450, FONTANA, a.s. Dolný Kubín
- Production and delivery of elements of the backward transport, HH + NH + chain for RD 260, 3 x electric gearbox, lower head for KD, TAJBA, a.s. Čaňa
- Replacement of the electric gearbox on KD str. Čečejovce, TAJBA, a.s. Čaňa
- Production of threaded tube segments D320/d108/s300, D195/d60,3/s100 P-5 mm and P-4 mm, material HARDOX 450, FERAD s.r.o. Košice
- Supplementation of the post-harvest line with a car intake, RDvz260, Agricultural cooperative Bošáca
- Repair of ASP750 purifier and grate. conveyor RD315, Poľnonákup Plešivec s.r.o.
- Production of screw conveyor DZT200, l = 4360 mm, P = 1,1kW-SEW, TKV s. r. o. Košice - Myslava
- Production and assembly of belt conveyors PD450/6000 mm and PD500/7100mm, FECUPRAL, spol. s.r.o. Veľký Šariš
- Production of threaded tube segments, D200/d60,3/s180, D270/d168,3/s200, D300/d76/s250, P-3 mm, 8 mm and 4 mm, material S355, G&G filtration, s.r.o. Likavka
- Production and assembly of Stg - tray, DZT 200 and PSD, Agricultural cooperative Sekčov in Tulčík
- Production of D140/d60/s70 - 100, P-4mm, material Hardox 450, SMZ, a.s. Jelšava
- Production and assembly of machine technology for floor storage, Agricultural cooperative Jarok
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZT480, l = 8500mm, P = 7,5kW, Q.U.E.S.T. engineering s.r.o. Trnava
- Repair of torn conveyor belt of pocket conveyor, w-300 mm, production of rollers and outlets for RD 360, De Heus s.r.o. Kendice
- Manufacture and assembly of the MZ 2,5x2,5 hopper and the DZ250 screw conveyor, l = 13.500 mm, P = 3,0 kW, Heneken Melts, s.r.o. Bratislava - Ružinov district
- Production of tapping segments D290/d57/s290, P-2 mm, material copper, ROLLER spol. s.r.o. Jesenské
- Delivery and assembly of pocket conveyor EK32, h = 12m, P = 3,0kW, BGV, s.r.o. Hniezdne
- Production of threaded coils fi 200, D200/d70/s160, P-4 mm, l = 2000 mm, material S355, PPS Group a.s. Detva
- Production of tapping segments D400/d159/s400, material P-8 mm, Hardox 450, TI - KOMPAKT, s.r.o. Žilina
- Production of threaded bits D150/d51/s135, P-10 mm, l-4450mm, material S355, METRONEX, s.r.o. Snina
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZT 300, l-9.000 mm, material AISI 304, OPTA MINERALS (Košice), a.s. Košice
- Post-harvest treatment of organic cereals with installation of the existing spelt huller, SLOVETRA, a.s. Nové Mesto nad Váhom
- Production of screw conveyor DZT200, l-6.600 mm, P = 4,0kW, SNICO, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Manufacture and assembly of orbital coils for GRUBER silos, PROAGRO Radešínská Svratka, a.s.
- Production of belt conveyor PD400-3VT, P = 0,25kW, Computer Control Technology s.r.o. Prešov
- Dismantling of screw conveyors DZ 500 and their replacement with chain conveyors RD 360, Heineken Slovensko Sladovne, a.s. Hurbanovo
- Production and assembly of conveyors for the reconstruction of the Klatovy compound feed production plant, MOZA s.r.o. Brno / Primagra, a.s. Milín
- Production of tapping dies production of tapping dies fi 250, D250/d133/250, l = 5.695mm, P-6 mm, material 11523, EUROVIA SK, a.s. Košice
- Production of drive and driven head for RD 260 and chain for RD 260, ULIP, s.r.o. Winner
- Replacement of scrapper and pocket conveyors in the feed mixing plant, Agro družstvo Čičarovce
- Conversion of dryer Mathews Company L1350 from natural gas to LPG, Roľnícke družstvo Voľa
- Installation of 6 pcs of flour bins, Pohronský Ruskov Mill, a.s. Pohronský Ruskov
- Production of taps D247/d139,7/ s 125-180-250 mm, l-2.386mm, D193/d 114,3/s 97-145-195 mm, l-3.886mm, P-12 mm, material S355, INSPECT s.r.o. Košice
- Production of 2 pcs of screw conveyors DZ160, l- 2.150mm, P = 0,75kW, NMH s.r.o. Sereď
- Production and assembly of screw conveyor DZ320, l-6.500mm, P-3,0 kW, Banskobystrický pivovar, a.s. Banská Bystrica
- Production of chain conveyor RT160, l = 8,m, P = 2,2kW, Primagra, a.s. Milín
- Production of technological components for the construction of the transport road to the granulation presses at VKS Klatovy, Primagra, a.s. Milín
- Production of coil segments D180/d60,3/s150 + D180/d60,3/s130, P-4 mm, material 355, BIO TRADE & TRANS, s. r. o. Bratislava
- Repair - plating of gravel bunkers, Ferrobeton Slovensko s.r.o. Košice
- Production of chain conveyors RD260, l = 35bm, P = 7,5kW, production RDz260, l = 11bm, P = 5,5kW, TAJBA, a.s. Čaňa
- Spare parts supply and service of dryers Mathews Company
- Production and supply of spare parts for PETKUS and ASP 750 purifiers
- Production and supply of screens for scrapers and scrubbers of various manufacturers
- Manufacture and supply of auger segments for combine harvesters, mixer feed wagons, spreaders, etc.
- Production and supply of spare parts for extruders ED 30 and ED 50
- Supply of scoops and conveyor belts for bucket and belt conveyors
References 2021
- Reconstruction of the post-harvest line and extension of the dryer Mathews Company EcoSeries E 500, Roľnícke družstvo Trhovište
- Extension of storage capacity of cereals and oilseeds by two silos SBH13,75/11EC 2 x 2.062,9m3, TAKÁCS - FARM, s.r.o. Kolárovo
- Increase in the output of the post-harvest line, upgrade of the Mathews Company dryer from L 1350 to L 2650, replacement of the purifier with Petkus A 12, GAMA - zemědělske družstvo Pavlovce nad Uhom
- Increase of malt weighing performance, SLADOVŇA, a.s. Michalovce
- Replacement of conveyors at the Smolenice centre - conveyor capacity 100 t/h for wheat 750 kg/m3, Anja, spol. s r.o. Bratislava
- Production of tapping segments D405/d115/s250, P-8mm, material Corbanox, D250/d89/s204, P-4 mm, material 11523, WINFA, s.r.o. Trnava
- Production of coils for biogas station, BPS Bzovík s.r.o. Bzovík
- Production and assembly of conveyors for the reception and loading of commodities for the production of pet food, Ing.František Vraník - BIOFER association, Prešov
- Production of tapping segments, D300/d75/s140, P-3mm, material stainless steel AISI304, SID, spol. s r.o. Košice
- Production of tapping segments D195/d60,3/s150 mm, P-3 mm, material stainless steel (1.4301), Q.U.E.S.T. engineering s.r.o. Trnava
- Production and assembly of pocket conveyor KD 500 - chain conveyor with gravity tensioning, H - 35,3 m, BUKOCEL, a.s. Hencovce
- Production of threaded tube segments D500/d133/s355, P-8mm, material tr. 11, ZMOP, spol. s.r.o. Blue
- Production of threaded rods fi 200, l = 3.000 mm, l = 4.000 mm, SLOVMAG, a.s. Lubeník
- Production and assembly of stainless steel horizontal mixer HM500, for the production of pet food, Ing.František Vraník - BIOFER association, Prešov
- Production of STG - chain, pocket, screw conveyors, elements of conveyor transport, FARMIX a.s. Radomyšl
- Repair of chain conveyors under cells, Heineken Slovensko Sladovne, a.s. Hurbanovo
- Delivery and assembly of STG and eli for dosing of Bavarian malt, Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko, a.s., Veľký Šariš
- Production of tapping segments D320/d139,7/s300, P-4mm, material hardox 450, CWT Metal s.r.o., Brzotín
- Production of tapping segments D824/d724/s1320, P-4mm, D630/d245/s500, P-8mm, material tr.11, CWT Metal s.r.o., Brzotín
- Upgrade of Mathews Company dryer, increase in output, conversion of L1350 to L2700, Ing. Andrej Kompas, Nitra str. Cabaj Čápor
- Production of threaded tube segments D200/d60/s200, P-3 mm, material stainless steel AISI 304, Mateso s. r. o. Považská Bystrica
- Production of coil segments D150/d60,3/s150, P-5 mm, material HARDOX 450, SAKSON - BETÓN, s. r. o. Čadca
- Production of hardox lined air handling units, Leier Baustoffe SK, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Production of screw conveyors DZ 320 for transport of lime dust, BOMAK s.r.o. Šarišské Michaľany
- Pre-season inspection and complete service maintenance of the grain post-harvest line (cleaner, dryer, conveyors...), Agricultural Business Cooperative Vechec
- Production of threaded tube segments D440/d198/s200, P-10 mm, material 11523, D100/d50/s100, P-6 mm, material HARDOX 450, BUČINA ZVOLEN, a.s. Zvolen - Energetika operation
- Production of machine technology and elements of catchment transport, TAJBA, a.s. Čaňa,
- Production of threaded tube segments, D200/d60,3/s180, P-3mm, material 11 523, G&G filtration, s.r.o. Likavka
- Production and assembly of STG for floor storage, Jozef Šimončík SHR, Veľký Lapáš
- Production of threaded rod segments, D127/d50/s60, P-5mm, material HARDOX 450, PaB Závitovky s. r. o. Bratislava
- Production of threaded tube fi. 245, l = 2.145 mm, D245/d102/s240, P-6mm, material HARDOX 450, TATRAVAGÓNKA a.s. Poprad
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZT250, l = 4.000 mm, D250/d89/s150/s200/s250, P-4 mm, material stainless steel AISI 304, AGROEX, s. r. o. Piešt'any
- Production of machine technology and elements of catchment transport, RAFTYS SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. Nové Zámky
- Production of screw conveyor for transport of coke and limestone dust, DZ 250, l = 5.700 mm, ILD SK, spol. s.r.o. Košice
- Production of threaded tube segments D130/d61/s150, P-4mm, D245/d48/s175, D200/d48/s140, D500/d250/s250 P-3mm, material tr. 11, ROLLER spol. s.r.o. Jesenské
- Replacement of stainless steel troughs of screw conveyors DZ500 for transport of green malt, Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Production and assembly of machine technology and elements of backward transport, POĽNONÁKUP VRANOV s.r.o., Vranov nad Topľou
- Production, dismantling and assembly of chain conveyors and elements of the catchment transport, Liaharensky podnik Nitra, a.s., Nitra-Párovské Háje
- Production of tapping segments D400/d152,4/s320, P-8mm, material tr. S355, VÚMZ SK, s.r.o. Nitra
- Delivery and installation of cladding of the existing shelter, LEGUSEM pt, a.s. Piešt'any, str. Kollárovo
- Production of threaded bush with shaft D380/d159/s400, P-8 mm, material Hardox, DOLVAP, s.r.o. Varín
- Production of threaded bush with shaft D200/d60,3/s150, P-3 mm, material 11523, SLOVMAG, a.s. Lubeník
- Production of threaded rod segments D190/d52/s180, P-3 mm, material 11523, AGROSERVIS - TECHNOLOGIES, spol. s r.o., Ltd. Komárno
- Production of threaded tube segments D200/d60/s200, D145/d50/s110 and s55, P-3 mm, material AISI 304, Mateso s.r.o., Považská Bystrica
- Production and assembly of machine technology and elements of catchment transport, Arimex Bratislava spol. s r. o., pp. Humenné
- Production of belt conveyors PD 650, l - 5800 mm and l - 8800 mm for sawdust transport, BEKY, a.s. Snina
- Production of tapping segments D195/d60,3/s160, P-6 mm, material 11523, MENERT spol. s.r.o., Šaľa
- Production of stainless steel taps l-3.820mm, l-6.305mm, l-6.100mm, Q.U.E.S.T. engineering s.r.o. Trnava
- Production of threaded tube segments D151/d71/s145-185, P-8 mm, AISI 304, PRO - GE, s.r.o., Nitra
- Production and assembly of chain conveyors under cells, Heineken Slovensko Sladovne, a.s. Hurbanovo
- Production and assembly of belt and screw conveyors, FECUPRAL, spol. s.r.o. Veľký Šariš, str. Prešov
- Production of screw conveyor for transport of magnesite flour, DZT380, L - 8500 mm, SLOVMAG,a.s. Lubeník
- Production of STG - pocket conveyors, screw conveyors, elements of conveyor transport, SILO s.r.o. Stonarov
- Production of conveyor belt PD 650, l - 6.500 mm for the transport of hardwood bark, GRATAX, s.r.o. Košice
- Production of threaded rods D250/d89,9x8/s200-240, P-4mm, l - 4160mm, D400/d108x7,1/s320, P-5mm, l - 3330mm, material S355, SMZ, a.s. Jelšava
- Production of threaded tube segments D250/d60,3/s200, P-5 mm, material stainless steel AISI 304, AMAN, s. r. o. Markušovce
- Production of belt conveyors PD 300 with velceta, l-5500 mm, AGROSERVIS - TECHNOLOGIES, spol. s r.o. Komárno
- Production of tapping segments D600/d245/s500, P-8 mm, material S235, Xylo Machinery SK s.r.o., Prešov
- Production of screwed segments D160/d35/s105, D250/d61/s200, D300/d88,9/s270, P-4 mm, material HARDOX 450 / S355, myWood Polomka Timber, s.r.o., Polomka
- Production and assembly of machine technology for reconstruction of VKS - PRIMAGRA Milín, MOZA, s.r.o. Brno
- Production of threaded tube segments D250/d61/s250, D320/d61/s270, P-4 mm, material S235, DMS TECH, s. r. o., Prešov
- Production of bidirectional tubular screw conveyor DZT 125 for lime hydrate, l - 3500 mm, P - 0,55 kW, ProMinent Slovensko, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZT 200, l-2860 mm, material AISI 304, NMH s.r.o. Sereď
- Production of screw conveyors DZT200, L - 3500 mm, P-1,5 kW, DZT150, L - 1600 mm, P-1,1 kW, ALYA, s r.o. Poprad.
- Production of tapping segments D185/d60/s165, D185/d60/s100, P-5 mm, material 11523, KONTUR, s.r.o., Bratislava
- Production of screw conveyors DZ250, L - 6000 mm, P-1,5 kW, screw conveyor HARDOX 450, C-bau, spol. s.r.o. Bratislava
- Replacement of belt conveyors with chain conveyors at the silo gallery in Humenne, Arimex Bratislava spol. s r. o., p. Humenné
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZ200, l-7500 mm, P-0,75 kW, material AISI 304, VÚMZ SK, s.r.o. Nitra
- Reconstruction of OS 21kt traffic roads at the NOS Lužianky centre, ACHP Levice a.s., Levice
- Replacement of belt conveyor under cells with chain conveyor RD 260, l-40m, P-9,2 kW, Heineken Slovensko Sladovne, a.s. Hurbanovo
- Production of OZ 250-30, P-3,0 kW for silo fi. 7,64 m, JK Machinery, a.s. Prague
- Production of threaded tube segments D250/d90/s170mm, P-6 mm, material HARDOX 450, TeHo Topoľčany, s.r.o. Topoľčany
- Production of threaded tube segments D420/d140/s400mm, P-8 mm, material HARDOX 450, FONTANA, a.s. Dolný Kubín
- Production of pocket conveyor KD80 - 32 with hardox lining of upper and lower head, l-9400 mm, P-7,5 kW, DOLVAP, s.r.o. Varín
- Spare parts supply and service of dryers Mathews Company
- Production and supply of spare parts for PETKUS and ASP 750 purifiers
- Production and supply of screens for scrapers and scrubbers of various manufacturers
- Manufacture and supply of auger segments for combine harvesters, mixer feed wagons, spreaders, etc.
- Production and supply of spare parts for extruders ED 30 and ED 50
- Supply of scoops and conveyor belts for bucket and belt conveyors
References 2020
- Modernisation of storage technologies in Sečovce and Zemplínská Teplice, AGROPODNIK SLAMOZ, spol. s r.o.
- Post-harvest line with dryer Mathews Company L 1350and cleanerPETKUS A12, Poľnohospodárske družstvo Bošáca
- Production and assembly of reverse screw conveyor DZ250 under polishing machines, Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Production of screw conveyor DZT130, l = 7bm, P = 1,1kW, ProMinent Slovensko, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Production of STG - chain, pocket, screw conveyors, elements of conveyor transport, FARMIX a.s. Radomyšl
- Production of threaded rods fí 200, l = 2.500 mm, SLOVMAG, a.s. Lubeník
- Production of threaded tube segments D400/d108/s320, P-4 mm, HARDOX 450, SMZ, a.s. Jelšava
- Delivery and assembly of the post-collection line with PETKUS A12 purifier, KomAgrartechnik, s.r.o. Marcelová
- Delivery and assembly of post-collection line with PETKUS A 09 purifier, MVDr. Karch Jozef, Michalovce - Sejkov
- Replacement of redler chains RD 250, Heineken Slovensko Sladovne, a.s. Hurbanovo
- Production of tapping segments D290/d89/s290, P-4mm, D500/d114/s500, P-10mm material tr. 11523, ROLLER spol. s.r.o. Jesenské
- Production of threaded tube segments D340/d114,3/s240 resp. s280, P-6 mm, material stainless steel AISI 304, Mateso s. r. o. Považská Bystrica
- Production of inclined chain conveyor RDs250, l=12bm, P=2,2kW, TAURUS, s.r.o. Chrudim
- Replacement of 3 belt conveyors with chain conveyors RD260, ARIMEX, s.r.o. Bratislava, str. Humenné
- Production of threaded tube D250/d88,9/s170, l = 5.695mm, EUROVIA SK, a.s. Košice - Barca
- Production of threaded tube segments D320/d108/s250, S355, P-5 mm, DOLVAP, s.r.o. Varín
- Replacement of pocket (KD 56.20) and chain conveyors (RD 260), including the associated elements of the transport and wiring, ANJA, spol. s.r.o. Bratislava, str. Smolenice
- Reconstruction of traffic roads - SO Old Silo, pocket conveyor to 50 kPa pressure resistance, Tate & Lyle Boleraz, Ltd. Boleraz.
- Post-harvest line Pikárec with screen sorter JCM 10223, dryer Mathews Company L1000 with heat exchanger from BPS and 3 x silo Symaga with capacity 3 x 1068 t, PROAGRO Radešínska Svratka a.s., 592 33 Radešínská Svratka 61
- Superstructure of dryer Mathews Company MC 675, AGROCONSULTING spol, s.r.o. Jatov, str. Andovce
- Reconstruction of pocket conveyor, Cemix, s.r.o. Veľké Leváre
- Production of machine technology and elements of catchment transport, TAJBA, a.s. Čaňa
- Production of threaded rods D250/d60,3/s170, 4 x L = 1.900mm, 2 x L = 2.380mm,GIM - S s.r.o. Ľubotice
- Production of stainless steel threaded tube AISI316, l = 2.690mm, CONVEC, s.r.o. Trnava
- Production of two pieces of conveyors DZT250, l = 6.900mm, P = 2,2kW, Vinárske závody Topoľčianky, s.r.o.
- Replacement of equipment for cleaning and sorting of barley, Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Production of broken chain conveyor RDz250, lc-13,5m, P = 3,0kW, SIAGRA s.r.o. Zlín-Malenovice
- Production and assembly of STG for post-collection line Michaľany, TAJBA, a.s. Čaňa
- Production, dismantling and assembly of STG for post-collection line, SLOVETRA, a.s. Nové Mesto nad Váhom
- Production of tapping segments D225/d75/s200, D195/d102/s200, P-6mm, materialHardox 450, WINFA, s.r.o. Trnava
- Production of threaded tube D320/d152/s300, l = 7.380 mm, P-4mm, material 11523, LES, s.r.o. Trenčín
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyors DZT 200, l = 5.500 mm, l = 11.000 mm, MAKS-D, s.r.o. Nováky
- Delivery and assembly of post-harvest line with ZANIN PSC 10 purifier, Agrourbár Rimavská Seč, s.r.o.
- Production of tapping segments, D350/d139,7/s200, P-3mm, material stainless steel AISI 304, NMH s.r.o. Sereď
- Production of tapping segments, D410/d130/s400, P-10mm, material S355, MEOS, s.r.o. Detva
- Production of screw conveyors DZ250, l = 5.500mm and l = 8.000mm, Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Production of STG for post-harvest line, FARMA NEMEŠANY s.r.o Nemešany
- Production of pocket conveyors KG 56.20, H = 6.500mm, H = 7.700mm,THERMIUS, s.r.o. Košice
- Production of threaded tube segments,D120/d60,6/s100, P-3mm, D200/d103/s160, P-5mm 11523, material 11 523, G&G filtration, s.r.o. Ružomberok
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZT300, l = 9.000mm + delivery of sieve sorter type OMEGA 080, transported material magnesium,LUXRAM, s.r.o. Rozhanovce
- Delivery and assembly of the screw conveyor DZ 400, SLADOVŇA, a.s. Michalovce
- Production of threaded tube segments, D400/d150/s400, P-8mm, Hardox material, FONTANA, a.s. Dolný Kubín
- Delivery and installation of Buhler LAGA GrainPlus 20 E pre-cleaner, BOWTEN s.r.o. Sečovce
- Dismantling of 6 pcs of flour bins, including pneumatic repair, Pohronský Ruskov Mill, a.s.
- Replacement of electrical transmission lines and modification of screw conveyors DZ500, ENVIRAL, a.s. Leopoldov
- Weighing of malt in the intermediate hopper, Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Production of threaded tube segments,D168/d89/s138, P-6mm, material S355, GTB, a.s. Liptovský Hrádok
- Production of 6 pcs of screw conveyors DZ160, l = 1.000mm, material stainless steel AISI 304, AGROEX, s. r. o. Piešt'any
- Production of screw conveyor DZ400, l = 1870, P = 7,5kW + atypical discharge,ENVIRAL, a.s. Leopoldov
- Production of tapping segments D400/d108/s330, P-8mm, material stainless steel AISI304, AMAN s.r.o. Markušovce
- Repair of traffic roads, manufacture and assembly of STG,BGV, s.r.o. Hniezdne
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZ500, l = 4.000, P = 3,0kW, ENVIRAL, a.s. Leopoldov
- Production of threaded rods for mixing feed wagon 2 x D440/d178/s320, P-10mm, l=2.930mm, material S355, AGROSVID, s.r.o. Beharovce
- Production of screw conveyor DZT250, l = 12.000mm, P = 7,5kW, Calmit, spol.s.r.o Bratislava, plant Žirany
- Production of belt conveyor PD400, l = 4.850mm, P = 1,1kW, ProMinent Slovensko, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Production and assembly of chain conveyors RD 260B and RD260 + elements of catchment transport, ÚSVIT by the Danube, Poľnohodpodárske družstvo Dunajská Lužná
- Production of screw conveyor DZ200, l = 6.000mm, P = 2,2kW + rotary feeder RPGG 20-20, P = 0,75kW, MIDORIING, s.r.o. Košice
- Production of threaded tube segments D120/d40/s125, D150/d50/s150, P-6mm, Hardox material, D936/d736/s400, P-5mm, S355 material, CONFAL a.s. Slovenská Ľupča
- Production of centrifugal separator with accessories, Strojwood s. r. o. Prešov
- Production of tapping segments D290/d90/s290, P-4mm, material S355, ROLLER spol. s.r.o. Jesenské
- Overhaul of chain conveyors and gates, Heineken Slovensko Sladovne, a.s. Hurbanovo
- Production of threaded tube segments D500/d133/s355, P-8mm, material tr. 11, ZMOP, spol. s.r.o. Blue
- Production and supply of spare parts for PETKUS and ASP 750 purifiers
- Production and supply of screens for scrapers and scrubbers of various manufacturers
- Manufacture and supply of auger segments for combine harvesters, mixer feed wagons, spreaders, etc.
- Production and supply of spare parts for extruders ED 30 and ED 50
- Supply of scoops and conveyor belts for bucket and belt conveyors
References 2019
- Modernization of the processing plant - construction of new storage capacities, 4 x 2150 t + 6 x 380 t, VKS Pohledští Dvořáci a.s., Havlíčkův Brod
- Storage farm (grain silo) 2 x 2000 tons, capacity of transport roads 150 t/h, Agricultural cooperative "Radošinka" Veľké Ripňany
- Delivery and installation of new transport roads and cleaners on silos 1 and 3, MJM agro Slovakia, s.r.o. Levice
- Production and assembly of barley and malt transport routes for the new line Lausman, SLADOVŇA, a.s. Michalovce
- Production DZT200, l = 5000, P = 1,5kW, LADO, s.r.o. Prievidza
- Replacement of pocket and chain conveyors, AGROAVAR cooperative of agribusinessmen Bíňa
- Production and assembly of airtight chain conveyor and rotary feeders, CHEMSTROJ, s.r.o. Strážske
- Production of threaded tube segments D400/d114/s320-right, P-10mm, material tr. 11523, CEMDESIGN, spol. s.r.o. Trenčín
- Production of D120/d38/s80 tapping segments. P-6mm, Hardox 450, Turčianske grain mills
- Production of inclined chain conveyor RDs 160, L - 15 m, PD Močenok
- Production of chain discharge conveyor RDvz160, l - 9m, SIAGRA s.r.o. Zlín-Malenovice
- Production of the PKZ 5.5 compound feed transporter,AGRO - BIO s.r.o., Závadka
- Crimping of threaded tube segments from delivered blanks, D300/d133/s150, D320/d133/s300, P-8mm, MOTOSPOL SK s.r.o. Hanušovce nad Topľou
- Production of tapping segments D450/d219/s 250 - 450, P-10 mm, material tr 11 523, Remeslo strojal, s.r.o. Žiar nad Hronom
- Production of threaded tube segments D185/d62/s100, P-8 mm, HARDOX 450 and D400/d108/s320, P-6 mm, mat. 11523, SMZ, a.s. Jelšava
- Post-harvest line for the treatment of commodities for the needs of feed in livestock and soybean processing, AT DUNAJ spol. s.r.o. Rožňava, Dubník centre
- Production of stainless steel tubular screw conveyor DZT200, L-5m, AGROEKS a.s. Piešt'any
- Production of screwed segments D250/d60,5/s200, P-8 mm, Hardox 450, myWood Polomka Timber, s.r.o. Polomka
- Production of Hardox threaded tube according to supplied documentation, WINFA, s.r.o. Trnava
- Repair of PETKUS K 547 and K 527 purifiers, PD ŠARIŠAN Svinia
- Production of tapping segments D195/d60,3/s120 and 145, P-4 mm, HARDOX 450, AMETYSs.r.o. Košice - Pereš
- Production of threaded tube D500/d159/s300 L -9000 mm, material 11523, P-8 mm, DOLVAP, s.r.o. Varín
- Production of tapping segments D260/d60/s200, P-5 mm, material 11523, DA Servis, s.r.o. Puchov
- Production of STG - chain, pocket, screw conveyors, elements of conveyor transport, FARMIX a.s. Radomyšl
- Production of screw conveyors in various designs, ILD SK, spol. s.r.o. Košice
- Production of threaded tube segments D220/d61/s150 + s200, P-6 mm, material tr. 11, Eko Tree, s.r.o. Bardejov
- Manufacture and assembly of conveyor belt, PD400, L-9.500 mm, Tate & Lyle Boleraz, s.r.o., Boleraz
- Production of chute screw conveyors DZ200, L-11 m, SLOVMAG, a.s. Lubeník
- Production of STG - chain, pocket conveyors and discharge conveyors DO podRD, UNISTROJ FG, spol. s.r.o. Sabinov
- Supply of JET 30-215 scoops, MAXI GRIPs and grub screws, ULIP s.r.o. Winner
- Production and assembly of the DZ250 chute screw conveyor, galvanized, BGV, s.r.o. Nesting
- Production of parts for chain conveyors RD260, RD420, ULIP s.r.o. Winner
- Production and assembly of chain conveyor, RD260, L-14,5 m, Agricultural cooperative "Čingov" Smižany
- Production and assembly of STG - chain conveyors RD 260 + outlets, ÚSVIT pri Dunaji, Poľnohodpodárske družstvo Dunajská Lužná
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyors DZ315, DZ400 and separators CM2000, CM1000 and CM 700, MOVOB, s.r.o. Prešov
- Production of threaded rod segments D127/d50/s60, P-5 mm, HARDOX, PaB Závitovky s. r. o. Bratislava
- Production of driving and tensioning heads of chain conveyors RD 260 and 315 + flaps, TAJBA, a.s. Čaňa
- Production of tubular screw conveyor DZT200, l - 7m, SNICO, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Production of tapping segments D250/d61/s160, P-6 mm, material S355, MOVOB, s.r.o. Prešov
- Production of STG - chain, pocket, screw conveyors, elements of conveyor transport, SILO s.r.o. Stonarov
- Production of threaded tube segments D200/d60/s200, P-3 mm, material stainless steel AISI 304, Mateso s. r. o. Považská Bystrica
- Production of belt conveyors PD 650 with chassis, CALENDULA, a.s. Nová Ľubovňa
- Production of threaded tube segments D310/d114,3/s310, P-5 mm, D245/d102/s240, D325/d114,3/s310, P-6mm Hardox450, TATRAVAGÓNKA a.s. Poprad
- Production of stainless steel pocket conveyors KD 56.20, AGRORÁCIO, a.s. Senica
- Production of tapping segments D380/d220/s250, P-6mm, D250/d89/s200, P-4mm, material tr. 11373, WINFA, s.r.o. Trnava
- Production and assembly of technology for sawdust transport, Jozef Ligenza - LIGE, Kuková
- Production of tapping segments D320/d139,7/s200 and 300, P-4mm, Hardox, CWT Metal s.r.o. Brzotín
- Production and assembly of machine technology for floor warehouse stacking, SEMAT, a.s. Trnava
- Production of PKZ 5.5 compound feed transporter, STS Levice, s.r.o. Levice
- Production and assembly of machine technology for the production of compound feeds,PD Spišské Bystré
- Production of the broken chain conveyor RDvz260 and pocket conveyor KD56-20 + flaps, Ing. Zoltán Szabó-Raftys, Nové Zámky
- Production of segments of threaded tube D230/d108/s255, P-10mm, material tr. 11523, PWR - Plastic waste recycling, a. s., Bratislava
- Production and assembly of trough screw conveyors for filling the feed wagon from the bins, Podielnicke družstvo ONDAVA Stropkov
- Production and assembly of machine technology for the production of feed mixtures, Agricultural cooperative "Radošinka", Veľké Ripňany
- Production of perforated aluminium sheets, Job Service s.r.o. Slanec
- Production of tapping segments D200/d115/s170, P-4mm, material tr. 11523, MAKS-D, s.r.o. Prievidza
- Production of D160/d48,3/s150 pl.4, HARDOX, l-5 210mm, C-bau, spol. s.r.o., Bratislava
- Production of threaded tube segments D170 and 105/d60,3 and 35/s96 to 158, P-4 and 5 mm, material stainless steel AISI 304, PRO-GE, s.r.o. Nitra
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZT290, l = 7 072mm, P = 3,0 kW, B+B ANLAGENBAU Gmbh, DETMOLD, DE
- Production and assembly of STG post-collection line, Brova, spol. s r.o. Chotča
- Production and assembly of STG for the production of compound feed, NOVÁ BODVA, cooperative Turnianská Nová Ves
- Production and assembly of STG and purifier for post-collection line, NOVÁ BODVA, cooperative Turnianská Nová Ves
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZT280, l = 2 400mm, P = 1,5kW, MAKS-D, s.r.o. Prievidza
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZT150, l = 5000mm, P = 1,5kW, ProMinent Slovensko, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Production of coil segments, various diameters, pitch and material of design, MENERT spol. s.r.o. Šaľa
- Production and assembly of STG for post-harvest line, AGRO - BIO s.r.o., Závadka
- Production of tapping segments, D120/d42,4/s100, P-3mm, material stainless steel AISI 304, NMH s.r.o. Sereď
- Production of chain conveyors RD 360, Spišské kŕmne zmesi, s.r.o. Spišské Vlachy
- Repair of pocket conveyor KET 16, Heineken Slovensko Sladovne, a.s. Hurbanovo
- Roofing of the revenue car basket at VKS Milín, Primagra, a.s. Milín
- Production of tapping segments D250/d61/s250, P-4mm, material stainless steel AISI 316 Ti, ROLLER spol. s.r.o. Jesenské
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyors, DZ200, l=4 860mm and 5 000mm, P=1,5kW, SNICO, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Repair - service of hopper of belt feeder, COLAS Slovakia, a.s. Košice
- Production and supply of spare parts for PETKUS and ASP 750 purifiers
- Production and supply of screens for scrapers and scrubbers of various manufacturers
- Manufacture and supply of auger segments for combine harvesters, mixer feed wagons, spreaders, etc.
- Production and supply of spare parts for extruders ED 30 and ED 50
- Supply of scoops and conveyor belts for bucket and belt conveyors
References 2018
- Modernization of the post-harvest processing line for peas, soybeans and commodities for the ŽV - Veľká Maňa and Kmet'ovo centres (2 x PETKUS A09 purifier + 1 x Mathews Company L 1350 dryer, AGRO ŽITAVA, s.r.o. Šurany
- Delivery and assembly of conveyors for Silo Svinná - Mlyn Trenčan, s.r.o. Trenčianská Turná
- Delivery and assembly of PETKUS trireme, Indented Cylinder ZA 611 with accessories, Agricultural cooperative Mlynica
- Stage II of the reconstruction of the VKZ, Scrap dosing, mixing and bagging, AGREF, spol. s.r.o., Komárno
- Production of STG for inclusion in the production lines of the project "Construction of a plant for the production of feeds and premixes on the territory of the plant DELTA LLC" ul. Sovetskaya, 2, Mashevsky district, Poltava. ", Tekro Ltd., Spaska 5, office 60, 04071 Kyev, Ukraine
- Delivery and assembly of STG floor storage, AgriculturalCooperative Dolný Štál
- Production of threaded tube segments fi.180 mm, P-8 mm, material tr. S355, MOTOSPOL SK s.r.o., Hanušovce nad Topľou
- Production and assembly of Stg for coke transport to KG RP1 and RP2, SlovZink, a.s., Bratislava
- Production of threaded tube segments fi.180 mm, P-8 mm, material tr. S355, myWood Polomka Timber, s.r.o., Polomka
- Production, assembly and repair of transport roads on the grain silo in Humenne, Arimex Bratislava spol. s r. o.
- Modernization of post-harvest line + dryer Mathews Company L 1350, Pernecká agrárna společnost, spol. s r.o., Pernek
- Modernization of grain post-harvest treatment + dryer Mathews Company L 1250, Agricultural cooperative Nižný Hrušov
- Production of threaded tube segments fi.170 mm, P-10 mm, material HARDOX, TIBERI, s.r.o. Trenčín 5
- Production of STG - chain, pocket, screw conveyors, elements of conveyor transport, FARMIX a.s. Radomyšl
- Production of coil segments fi. 350 mm, P-8 mm, material HARDOX, DELTA DEFENCE, a.s., Prešov
- Production of threaded rod segments fi. 250 mm, fi. 160 mm, P-5 mm, material tr. S355, GreMI KLIMA, s.r.o., Žilina
- Production of threaded tube segments fi. 315 mm, P-5 mm, material tr. 11 523, Duslo, a.s. Šaľa
- Production of coil segments fi. 350 mm and 380, P-8 and 10 mm, material tr. 11523 resp. HARDOX, WINFA, s.r.o. Trnava
- Implementation of bulk bran loading : construction works and set of technological equipment, PENAM SLOVAKIA, a.s. Nitra
- Production plant of feed mixtures with an output of 4 t/h of finished feed mixture, GAMA - Agricultural Cooperative, 072 14 Pavlovce nad Uhom
- Supply of spare parts for machine technology, TAJBA, a.s. Čaňa
- Production of 2 pcs of filters and 2 pcs of screw conveyors DZ 320, B+R OK VZT, Banska Bystrica, spol. s.r.o.
- Production of 2 pcs Belt conveyor PD400, l - 8 m, ANPET Group s.r.o., Bočiar
- Modernisation of transport roads - installation of conveyors and weighing scales, SLADOVŇA, a.s. Michalovce
- Production of threaded tube segments D127/d50/s60, pl. hr.5mm-HARDOX450, PaB Závitovky s. r. o. Bratislava
- Production of threaded tube segments fi. 190 mm, P-3 mm, material HARDOX, DELTA DEFENCE, a.s., Prešov
- Production of stainless steel threaded tube, CONVEC, s.r.o. Trnava
- Reconstruction of forces No. 1 and 2-replacement of rets. Conveyors, MJM agro Slovakia, s.r.o. Levice
- Production of threaded rod segments fi. 130 mm, P-4 mm, material stainless steel, ROLLER spol. s.r.o. Jesenské
- Technology for post-harvest treatment of grain, Agricultural cooperative in Kluknava
- Post-harvest treatment of soya beans, Agricultural cooperative based in Jarovnice
- Production of stainless steel screw conveyor DZ 200, L-11 m, KUNST, spol. s.r.o., Hranice
- Production of threaded tube segments fi. 196 mm, P-4 mm, material tr. S355, AMETYSs.r.o., Košice - Pereš
- Production of 2 pcs of screw conveyors DZ 320, DOLVAP, s.r.o., Varín
- Production of tapping segments D185/d62/s100, P-8mm - HARDOX450, SMZ, a.s. Jelšava
- Production and assembly of filling nozzle PH273DO, h = 4m, SLADOVŇA, a.s. Michalovce
- Production of threaded rod segments fi. 450, P-10mm, material tr. 11 523, Remeslo strojal, s.r.o. Žiar nad Hronom
- Modification of the bran bin, PENAM, a.s. Brno - Zábrdovice
- Production of D116/d30/s53, P-6mm threaded tube segments - HARDOX450, Confal a.s. Slovenská Ľupča
- Production of chain conveyors RDs160 - 6 pcs and outlets VPD152DO - 8 pcs, TAURUS,s.r.o., Chrudim
- Production of machine technology - chain, pocket and screw conveyors, elements of catchment transport, FARMIX a.s. Radomyšl
- Production of machine technology - chain and pocket conveyors, elements of catchment transport, Ing. Zoltán Szabó-Raftys, Nové Zámky
- Production of conveyors and sliding caps for Dedusting of ends of sintering belts 1 to 4 for USS Košice, ILD SK, spol. s r.o. Košice
- Repair of pre-cleaner Petkus K 523, BLAUMONT, s.r.o. Markušovce
- Repair of Petkus K 547 sewage treatment plant, Peder Agricultural Cooperative
- Production of D258/d128/s150/P-8mm, Hardox 450, myWood Polomka Timber, s.r.o. Polomka
- Production of threaded tube segments fi. 196 and 225 mm, P-4 mm, material tr. S355, AMETYSs.r.o. Košice - Pereš
- Production of pocket conveyor KD 30.13, ProMinent Slovensko, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Delivery and assembly of 2 pocket conveyors (KD) and 4 chain conveyors (RD) with accessories, MLYN ŠTÚROVO, a.s. Pohronský Ruskov
- Repair of Petkus K 545 purifier, INTERAGROS, a. s. Trnava
- Reconstruction of post-harvest grain treatment - PETKUS A 09 + turkey cleaner, AGROVES s.r.o. Zalužice
- Production of threaded tube segments D310/d114,3/s310, P-5 mm, Hardox 450, TATRAVAGÓNKA a.s. Poprad
- Production of screw conveyor DZT200, l = 1200mm, P = 2,2kW, VST Engineering, spol. s r.o. Pardubice
- Production of belt conveyors PD 250, L -7 and 9 m, BEKY, a.s. Snina
- Production of screw conveyors DZ 200, Roľnícka spoločnosť, a.s. Bottovo
- Production of tapping segments D480/d280/s250, P-12mm, material tr. S355, GIM - S s.r.o. Ľubotice
- Production of a two-pass coil homogenizer, BUKÓZA Export-Import, a.s. Hencovce
- Replacement of the upper head of the pocket conveyor, conveyor belt and scoops, Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Production and supply of spare parts for PETKUS and ASP 750 purifiers
- Production and supply of screens for scrapers and scrubbers of various manufacturers
- Manufacture and supply of auger segments for combine harvesters, mixer feed wagons, spreaders, etc.
- Production and supply of spare parts for extruders ED 30 and ED 50
- Supply of scoops and conveyor belts for bucket and belt conveyors
References 2017
- Replacement of 4 pcs of pocket conveyors with a height of 20 -25 m, Agricultural cooperative Močenok
- Technological line of soft raw materials warehouse, Liaharenský podnik Nitra, a.s.
- Technology of post-harvest treatment and storage of commodities of special RV and commodities for livestock, GAMA - agricultural cooperative Pavlovce nad Uhom
- Delivery and installation of PETKUS K 541 purifier, Forests of the Slovak Republic, State Enterprise, Branch Plant Semenoles Liptovský Hrádok
- Delivery and assembly of machine technology for the mill Sládkovičovo,FOODTECH, s.r.o., Abrahám
- Production of 4 pcs of tubular screw conveyors fi.320 mm for transport of dolomitic lime, DOLVAP, s.r.o. Varín
- Repair of ASP 750 purifier, Polno SME s.r.o. Palárikovo
- Delivery and assembly of seed production line (Buhler SMA 203 pre-cleaner, Buhler TAS 154 cleaner, PETKUS CT 05 turkey dryer, weighing scale), SEMAT, a.s. Trnava
- Delivery and assembly of the Seed Production Hall, SEMAT a.s. Trnava
- Technology of waste discharge and cladding of barley intake in Pivovar Šariš, Pivovary Topvar, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Construction of new storage capacities including necessary technologies for storage and subsequent treatment of input raw materials (cereals) for the production of feed mixtures for livestock (Buhler TAS 154A purifier + LCAA 28-3,5 201-243m cyclofilter, 2 x storage silo SC 12.22/20, 2.872m3) VKS Pohledští Dvořáci a.s. Havlíčkův Brod
- Post-harvest treatment of grain for the compound feed factory (Mathews Company L 1350 dryer), Peasant Cooperative Voľa
- Dismantling, delivery and assembly of cyclones of post-harvest line including aspiration pipe, Agricultural cooperative Močenok
- Production of stainless steel taps fi. 380 and 580 mm, material AISI 304, Trnava
- Production of stainless steel segments of threaded rod fi. 400, AISI 316, ROLLER spol. s.r.o. Rimavská Sobota
- Reconstruction of grain post-harvest treatment - replacement of Buhler Farm Plus 20E cleaner, AgrodružstvoTurňa
- Production and assembly of the OZ 250 orbital screw for silo fi. 19,10 m, ATEX design, POLINE, s.r.o. Nebovidy
- Production of coil segments fi. 400, material HARDOX, FONTANA, a.s., Dolný Kubín
- Delivery and assembly of feed mixtures production plant, Agricultural cooperative Mlynica
- Production of machine technology for post-harvest line ZOD Předslavice, FARMIX, a.s. Radomyšl
- Production of segments of threaded tube fi. 185, material HARDOX 450, WINFA, s.r.o. Trnava
- Production of chain conveyors RD 260 for Enviral, a.s. Leopoldov, ULIP s.r.o. Winner
- Production and assembly of machine technology of floor warehouse, Hronfruct Levice, a.s., Podlužany
- Delivery and assembly of feed mixtures production plant, Elektric Eko-systém, s.r.o., Hrabovec
- Production of chain conveyor RD 360 and lower head of pocket conveyor, TAJBA, a.s., Čaňa
- Grain dryer (Mathews Company L 1250) for the needs of ŽV with heat recovery PD Čečejovce, cooperative
- Supply of conveyor belts for bucket conveyors, Agropodnik, a.s. Trnava
- Delivery and assembly of chain conveyor RD 260, Tajba a.s. Čaňa
- Supply and installation of chain conveyor RD 420,Tate & Lyle Boleraz, s.r.o. Boleraz
- Production and installation of extruder ED 55 for dry extrusion of soybean, PD Choňkovce
- Delivery and installation of weighing scales with STG, SEMAT, a.s. Trnava
- Production of threaded rods for spreaders, GTB, a.s. Liptovský Hrádok
- Supply and installation of STG for
- Replacement of chain conveyors, orbital conveyors, replacement of pocket conveyor heads and elements of the downstream conveyor on the grain pre-storage for the distillery, BGV, s.r.o. Nesting
- Modernization of the feed mixtures production plant, AGROPODNIK SLAMOZ, s.r.o., Zemplínska Teplica
- Post-harvest treatment of feed grain - 40 t/h - hall1, 20 t/h - hall 2, PVOD Mokrance
- Manufacture and assembly of 4 pcs. pocket conveyors, dust-tight with pressure resistance 50 kPa, Tate&Lyle Boleráz, s.r.o.
- Production of chain, pocket, screw conveyors and hoppers for the malt plant in Mlynica, AGROEKS a.s. Piešt'any
- Production of pocket conveyor and screw conveyors, MOVOB, s.r.o. Prešov
- Delivery and installation of the PETKUS A 09 purifier, Agricultural cooperative Nižný Hrušov
- Production of filter FP05, B+R OK VZT, Banska Bystrica, spol. s.r.o.
- Production of threaded rod segments fi. 280, P-8 mm, material HARDOX 450, WINFA, s.r.o. Trnava
- Production of threaded rod segments fi. 220, P-4 mm, material tr. 11 523, PaB Závitovky s. r. o., Bratislava
- Production of threaded rod segments fi. 250, P-5 mm, material tr. S355, GreMI KLIMA, s.r.o., Žilina
- Replacement of chain conveyors DOR 80 for RD 260, Agricultural cooperative KAPUŠANY near Prešov
- Production and installation of screw conveyors DZT200, EUROVIA SK, a.s. Košice - Barca
- Production of coil tubes fi. 250mm, l = 4160mm, sheets of 4mm thick, tr. S355 and threaded sheets D400/d108/s320, pl. 4mm-HARDOX, SMZ, a.s. Jelšava, Bočiar division
- Production of coil segments fi. 135, P-8 mm, material HARDOX 400, SILOMETAL spol s.r.o. Sečovce
- Production of threaded rods and threaded rod segments of various diameters, material NEREZ,Mateso s. r. o., Považská Bystrica
- Production of coil segments fi. 260, P-5 mm, material tr. S355, DA Servis, s.r.o. Puchov
- Production of threaded rod segments fi. 380, P-5 mm, material tr. 11 373, GIM - S s.r.o., Ľubotice
- Production of coil segments fi. 70, 108 and 133 mm, P-8 mm, material tr. S355, MOTOSPOL SK s.r.o., Hanušovce nad Topľou
- Production of conveyor belt PD 650 for transport of chipped wood,Hrabušice Land Community
- Production and supply of spare parts for PETKUS and ASP 750 purifiers
- Production and supply of screens for scrapers and scrubbers of various manufacturers
- Manufacture and supply of auger segments for combine harvesters, mixer feed wagons, spreaders, etc.
- Production and supply of spare parts for extruders ED 30 and ED 50
- Supply of scoops and conveyor belts for bucket and belt conveyors
References 2016
- Production of PKZ 5.5 compound feed transporter, Koan, s.r.o. Krasnovce
- Production and assembly of machine technology for warehouse management with PUO and dryer, Sedlec, Czech Republic, AGROING BRNO s.r.o., Brno
- Production and assembly of machine technology for "Conveyor roads with the capacity of 100 t/h - filling and removal of the hall 31 x 120 m", AGROING Slovensko, s.r.o. Zálesie
- Reconstruction of traffic roads - silos Vítkovice, Kollárovo, LEGUSEM, s.r.o. Horná Streda
- Increase of safety of scrappers (explosion protection of scrappers) at the brewhouse of Pivovar Šariš, Pivovary Topvar, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Production and assembly of pocket conveyor, Tate & Lyle Boleraz, Ltd., Boleraz
- Production of stainless steel threaded rods, CONVEC, s.r.o. Trnava
- Implementation of the project of explosion protection of the dust container in the brewery Šariš, Pivovary Topvar, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Production and assembly of feed mixing plant and soybean extruder, MATEX, s.r.o. Veškovce - Veľké Kapušany
- Reconstruction of transport roads on the grain post-harvest treatment, Agricultural cooperative Ludrová
- Production of pocket and chain conveyors with an output of 100 t/hr, FARMIX, a.s. Radomyšl
- Supply and assembly of chain conveyors, DUKOM s.r.o., Novomestská 41, 907 01 Myjava
- Production of machinery and technological equipment for PUO ZD Milevsko, SILO s.r.o. Stonařov 295, 588 33 Stonařov
- Production and assembly of two pieces of stainless steel chain-bucket elevators, Lovosice, MAKS - D, s. r. o. Ostrava
- Replacement of pre-cleaners K 527 for 2 pcs GrainPlus 20E, AGRO PALÍN, s.r.o. Palín
- Production of stainless steel coils for biogas station, Bioplyn Rozhanovce, s.r.o. Košice
- Production of stainless steel threaded tube in AISI 304, CONVEC, s.r.o. Trnava
- Post-harvest grain treatment (PETKUS A09 cleaner) with dryer (Mathews Company, L 1350) with connection to floor storage and silo, Krok Ltd. Vlčany
- Post-harvest treatment of grain for livestock production (PETKUS A09 purifier), Agricultural cooperative Veľké Zálužie
- Purifier with accessories (PETKUS A12) + mixer of feed mixtures, Agricultural cooperative Mlynica
- Production and assembly of conveyors and elements of the downstream transport for the post-collection line of PD Sokolce, Raftys Slovakia s.r.o. Nové Zámky
- Production and assembly of the OZ 250 orbital discharge screw for silo 19,10 m, ATEX design, POLINE, s.r.o. Nebovidy
- Reconstruction of the purification plant (PETKUS K 527) and its commissioning at the Tovarné farm yard, Podielnické družstvo Ondava Stropkov
- Reconstruction of the barley intake basket, Pivovary Topvar, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Production of screens for BUHLER TAS 200, Sladovňa, a.s. Michalovce
- Seed production and processing line (PETKUS A09 purifier), ERIS Trade,s.r.o. Omšenie - PD Dolné Srnie
- Post-harvest treatment with dryer (AGROS 60 cleaner, Mathews Company L 2700 dryer). The capacity of the conveying roads is 60 t/h, EKO -AGRAR s.r.o, Veľký Kamenec
- Dosage of black malt, Pivovary Topvar, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Delivery and assembly of stainless steel auger turkey, Jozef Fígeľ-KOV-NZPÚ, Novosad
- Production of tubular screw conveyors fi. 200 and fi. 400 for lime transport, DOLVAP, s.r.o. Varín
- Production of stainless steel pocket conveyor KD 30.13, EKOTECHNA, s.r.o. Prešov
- Production and supply of spare parts for PETKUS and ASP 750 purifiers
- Production and supply of screens for scrapers and scrubbers of various manufacturers
- Manufacture and supply of auger segments for combine harvesters, mixer feed wagons, spreaders, etc.
- Production and supply of spare parts for extruders ED 30 and ED 50
- Supply of scoops and conveyor belts for bucket and belt conveyors
References 2015
- Delivery and installation of grain dryer MC L1350, RD Voľa
- Delivery and assembly of rotary feeders in EXE design and provision of explosion protection of selected elevators and cyclones, Pivovary Topvar, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Increase of performance and modernisation of post-harvest grain treatment, Agricultural cooperative "Radošinka" Veľké Ripňany
- Modernisation of the pea and legume processing line to improve the quality of cleaning and increase operational and storage capacity, KRUP, s.r.o. Banská Bystrica - Stage II
- Delivery and assembly of seed line - A09 seed cleaner, Trier ZA61, turkey + scales BIG-BAG, NOP, a.s. Hažín
- Increasing the efficiency of VP2 and VP3 dedusting - supply of chain, bucket, belt and screw conveyors for U.S. Steel Košice, s.r.o, ILD SK, spol. s r.o. Košice
- Delivery and assembly of iron silos with transport equipment and technology for reception of special malt, Pivovary Topvar, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Supply of grain elevator support straps with full and empty Walter scoops with complete fasteners, Agropodnik a.s. Trnava
- Delivery and assembly of conveyors for post-harvest treatment of grain - Poľnohospodárske družstvo Dolný Oháj
- Production and assembly of the orbital screw for silo fi. 6 m - Ing. Stanislav Pollak, Batis Farm, Žitavce
- Production of stainless steel threaded rods - AISI 304, TIG welding, CONVEC, s.r.o. Trnava
- Production of a chain conveyor for pellets + seven electric outlets, AGROEKS, a.s. Piešt'any
- Production of pocket conveyor - reinforced structure in the point of entry and exit - lined with hardox, reinforced scoops, front shaving, outer shell galvanized sheet metal, rubber-textile gurtna resistant to 150 degrees Celsius, type belt EP 800/5, 2+2 HTR 150°C, SPIŠCOL, s.r.o.Spišská Nová Ves
- Extension of automatic weighing system - technology of weighing, steel structures, trays, wiring and control system, Tekro, spol. s r.o., Praha, Nová Dedina u Uničova
- Reconstruction of Pozbera grain processing - Hrádok, Silo, s.r.o. Stonařov
- Production and assembly of machine technology of post-harvest treatment of grain Čierny Brod, JK Machinery, s.r.o. Prague
- Delivery and assembly of seed line, Bottovo Peasant Company
- Manufacture of drive and tension heads for chain conveyors RD 420, Tate & Lyle Boleráz, s.r.o. Boleráz
- Production of coil D140/d51/s120 mm; 2420 mm; 6mm, Dalkia Východné Slovensko, s.r.o Košice
- Production of chain, bucket, screw conveyors and elements of conveyor transport, FARMIX a.s. Radomyšl
- Production and assembly of conveyor system for urea silos and assembly of Geroldinger storage tanks for storage of urea, DUKOL Ostrava, s.r.o. Ostrava
- Delivery and installation of the Technology for aeration of silos on the farm Pernek, AGROPARTNER, spol. s r.o. Plavecké Podhradie
- Delivery and installation of new conveyor belts (gurtní) with plastic cups at selected elevators M-10, 76A, 76B, M-601, 617, M-702 in the building of the malt house, Pivovary Topvar, a.s. Veľký Šariš
- Repair of elevator No.18, replacement of conveyor belt and scoops (antistatic), ADM Slovakia, s.r.o. Levice
- Manufacture and assembly of circular coils for silo fi. 12 m, Jurex, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Manufacture and assembly of air pre-cleaners, TECHAGRA RV Žihárec s.r.o., Žihárec
- Repair of machine technology on the silo in Hniezdno, Gurman, s.r.o. Stará Ľubovňa
- Production of threaded rods, Slovmag, a.s. Lubeník
- Installation of machine technology and modification of the existing technology for the transport of malting barley, Sladovňa SESSLER, a.s. Trnava
- Production of stainless steel threaded segments, EUROBOOR, s.r.o. Krškany
- Production and assembly of pocket conveyor for lime transport, BUKOCEL, a.s. Hencovce
- Production of two pieces of the OZ 250 orbital coil, OBILNÍ TECHNIKA, s.r.o., Zlín
- Production of coil segments, BJ Energy s.r.o. Žilina
- Production of three pieces of screw conveyors DZ 400 for transporting dolomite, EKOSYS, s.r.o. Sečovce
- Production of screw thread segments, GreMI KLIMA, s.r.o. Žilina
- Production of threaded rod segments, PaB Závitovky, s.r.o., Bratislava
- Production of thread segments, material HARDOX 450, ZMOP, spol. s.r.o., Modra
- Production and supply of spare parts for PETKUS and ASP 750 purifiers
- Production and supply of screens for scrapers and scrubbers of various manufacturers
- Manufacture and supply of auger segments for combine harvesters, mixer feed wagons, spreaders, etc.
- Production and supply of spare parts for extruders ED 30 and ED 50
- Supply of scoops and conveyor belts for bucket and belt conveyors
References 2014
- Production and assembly of conveyors at PUO Klín nad Bodrogom, AGROREAL, a.s. Streda nad Bodrogom
- Refurbishment of the PETKUS K 527 purifier, PD Nižný Hrušov
- Production of trough screw conveyors with temperature resistance up to 150 OC, SPIŠCOL, s.r.o. Spišská N.V.
- Repair of PETKUS K 527 purifier and replacement of conveyors at PUO, PD Dolný Oháj Production of stainless steel threaded pipe, CONVEC, s.r.o. Trnava
- Production and assembly of conveyor for bentonite transport, KREMNICKÁ BÁNSKA SPOLOČNOSŤ, s.r.o. Kremnica
- General contractor of the grain silo 6 x 1.450 t + 445 t- technology and construction part Chotiměř, BOR, s.r.o. Choceň
- Replacement of conveyors in the grain silo with an output of 75 tons/hour, Sládkovičovo Mill a.s. Sládkovičovo
- Production of two-way chain conveyor RT 360, L-28 m, INTABO s.r.o., Tábor
- Production of recuperation for dryer Mathews Company type Legacy 1250, DJULI INGENEERING Ltd. Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
- Production of orbital coils for LIPP silo, PD Chynorany
- Production of screw conveyors DZT 250, L-4.070mm and L-10.225mm, ILD SK, s.r.o. Košice
- Delivery and assembly of BIG-BAG scales and chain conveyor for dispatch, LEGUSEM, s.r.o. Horná Streda
- Production of a belt conveyor with a travelling vehicle for transporting wood chips, KOKSMONT a.s. Košice
- Delivery and assembly of machine technology for PUO Uzeničky, Czech Republic, SILO s.r.o. Stonařov
- Delivery and assembly of machine technology for PUO Choustník, Czech Republic, SILO s.r.o. Stonařov
- Refurbishment of PETKUS K 527 purifier, WOOD s.r.o Radošina
- Modification of the technology for the supply and removal of cereals from the purification plant, PROAGROS Levice, s.r.o.
- Replacement of lower heads of pocket conveyor, PD Neverice
- Production of belt conveyor PD 500, L-12 m, MENERT, s.r.o. Šaľa
- Supply and assembly of wood chip conveyors for boiler houses, Spravbytherm s.r.o.Kežmarok
- Production of pocket conveyor, broken chain conveyor and flaps fi. 219, FARMIX, a.s. Radomyšl
- Production of chain conveyors RT 160, 2 pcs, AGROEKS, a.s. Piešt'any
- Refurbishment of PETKUS K 547 and K 527 purifiers, Agricultural cooperative "ŠARISAN" Svinia
- Supply of 600 metres of conveyor belts including scoops for pocket conveyors, AGROPODNIK, a.s. Trnava
- Screens + spare parts for PETKUS K 527, Roľ. Cooperative Turá Luka
- Repair of conveyors on the silo in Hniezdno, Gurman, s.r.o. Stará Ľubovňa
- Production and assembly of orbital threads for LIPP, Poľn. družstvo Chynorany
- Production of stainless steel pocket conveyor, NOXWEL, s.r.o. Sečovce
- PETKUS K 527, Agro Čergov , s.r.o Čergovská 583 086 41 Raslavice
- Screw conveyor DZ 500, 2 pcs, L-19,3 m for transport of green malt, AGROEKS, a.s. Piešt'any
- Production of galvanized conveyor DZ 320, L-15m, PD Veľký Ďúr
- Increase of storage capacity by 2 x 2.560 t, Liaharenský podnik Nitra, a.s., centre Vráble
- Production of screw conveyors DZ200, L-1,5m, 2 pcs with flange 500 x 1500mm, METAL SERVIS Inžiniering, s.r.o. Banská Bystrica
- Production and assembly of screw conveyor DZ150, L-6140mm, DURPEG s.r.o. Terchova
- Production of galvanized screw conveyor DZ 200, L-9 m, Kolagrex Int., spol. s r.o.
- Kolárovo
- Modernisation of the pea and legume processing line to improve the quality of cleaning and increase operational and storage capacity, KRUP, s.r.o. Banská Bystrica
- Production of fine dust mixer 450kg/m3, DZ800, l - 6 m, IZONIL GROUP s.r.o.
- Production of belt conveyor PD 500, L-4m, SLOVENSKE MAGNEZITOVE ZAVODY, a.s. Jelšava
- Production of air ducts, transitions and elbows, EKOTECHNA, s.r.o. Prešov
- Production of coiled tubes with hardox sheets and stainless steel centre tube for biomass doser for biogas plant reactor, 5 pcs, Bioplyn Rozhanovce, s.r.o Košice
- Delivery and assembly of cooling column for VKZ Vráble, TEKRO Nitra, s.r.o. Nitra
- Production of conveyors DZ 250, 4 pcs, KD 30-13, 1 pcs, flaps fi. 152, 2 pcs, SESSLER Malt Plant, a.s. Trnava
- Production of conveyor components for Calmit Tisovec, DELTA STEEL, s.r.o. Prešov
- Production of DZT 250 and DZT 320 conveyor systems in stainless steel for biogas station, SCBC, s.r.o.Stropkov
- Production of belt conveyor PD 400, L-10 m for sludge transport, Východoslovenská vodárenská spoločnost', a.s. Košice
- Production of two pieces of stainless steel threaded rods, CONVEC, s.r.o. Trnava
- Delivery and assembly of conveyors for post-harvest treatment of grain in Zemplínské Hradiště, RAFTYS SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. Nové Zámky
- Production and supply of spare parts for PETKUS and ASP 750 purifiers
- Production and supply of screens for scrapping machines and scrubbers of various manufacturers
- Manufacture and supply of auger segments for combine harvesters, mixer feed wagons, spreaders, etc.
- Production and supply of spare parts for extruders ED 30 and ED 50
- Supply of scoops and conveyor belts for bucket and belt conveyors