Elements of catchment transport
About the product
The elements of conveyor transport are used for directing the flow of bulk and non-sticky materials such as grain, scrap, extrusions, PVC granulate, pellets, etc., when using mechanical transport (chain, belt, bucket, screw conveyors).
We divide the elements of catchment transport into :
- guidance elements
- Punches
- DUREP (two-way and shut-off control element)
- downpipes and elbows
Guidance elements:
They are placed in the downpipes or at the end outlets of conveyors. In conjunction with the downpipe, they serve for gravity conveying of dry, non-adhesive materials and for subsequent directional guidance of the material flow in the appropriate direction. The guiding elements are available in black and galvanised versions and in a plastic-lined version.
Distribution of guidance elements:
- two-way butterfly valves - UPD, ø 152,219,273, symmetrical (S), asymmetrical (A), manually operated (RO) and remotely operated (DO) - type marking - UPD - 219 - S - RO
- three-way butterfly valves - UPT, ø 152,219,273, symmetrical (S), asymmetrical (A), manually operated (RO) and remotely operated (DO) - type marking - UPT - 219 - S - RO
- circular distributor - KR, ø 219

They are placed at the bottom of the conveyor and in the hopper hoppers. They are used to stop and release the flow of material. They are manufactured in black and galvanised versions.
Breakdown of swipes:
- discharge under conveyor - VPD, ø 152,219,273 manually operated (RO) and remotely operated (DO) - type marking - VPD - 219 - RO
- tray discharge - VPZ, 152 x 152, 219 x 219, 250 x 250
DUREP (two-way and shut-off control element):
DUREP is a device that combines a flap and a swipe. This combination brings in practice 3 main advantages:
- It closes the discharge directly into the bottom of the redler, which significantly eliminates its disadvantage, i.e. the transfer and thus the contamination of the transported material. This disadvantage can be eliminated to a minimum by using the DUREP in combination with a wiper which, when the outlet is opened, presses against the conveying chain and wipes the conveyed material from it.
- It also serves as a two-way flap which, when opened, moves to one of two positions and directs the flow of material in the desired direction.
- As it is a closing element including a two-way flap in one body, there is a significant saving in building height compared to the classic solution - flap + stop. The great advantage of DUREP is also in the ease of installation.
The DUREP leaf control can be electro-pneumatic or electric. They are produced in black and galvanized versions.
Downpipes and elbows:
The conveyor pipes and elbows provide gravity transport of the conveyed material between the individual conveyors and conveyor elements. The conveyor pipes are made of black sheet metal with a thickness of 2 - 6 mm. The elbows are made from segments of the downpipe or castings with a thickness of 2-8 mm are used.