Seed line
Seed lines are designed for the production of seeds for own consumption or for subsequent sale.
View the offerProduction of compound feed
Compound feed production is a dynamic process that aims to produce high quality feed with optimum nutritional value. Demanding manual processing is being replaced by automated processes. This requires the incorporation of technologies and complex systems whose activities and tasks are interrelated.
View the offerGrain storage – Underfloor storage
In recent years, large-capacity floor storage facilities have been used as an alternative form of grain storage for storing one or two types of grain in large volumes in one area.
View the offerPost-harvest treatment of cereals
Post-harvest conditioning (PUO) is the task of conditioning the grain (or all grain brought in from the harvesters from the field) to a condition suitable for long-term storage or for subsequent sale.
View the offerHarvesting line and grain storage – galvanized silos
Its task is not only to prepare the grain to a condition suitable for long-term storage, but also to store all types of grain for a long time while maintaining all the required quality parameters before shipment.
View the offerSilo with inclined discharge
Symaga's inclined hopper silos are used for storage of commodities in various industries - farms, grain warehouses, breweries, malting plants, distilleries, feed mills, mills, as well as for storage of raw materials for the plastics industry and biofuels.
View the offerFlat-bottomed silo
Symaga's galvanised flat-bottom silos are ideal for long-term storage of dry granular and granular materials in various sectors such as agriculture, grain storage, breweries, mills, compound feed plants, as well as for the plastics and biofuels industries.
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