Filling neck

About the product

With increasing environmental demands, significant dustiness in the loading of bulk materials such as grain, scrap, compound feed, lime, cement, etc., into trucks, wagons, ships and floor stockpiles is becoming an increasingly pressing problem in many plants.

This dust not only causes a burden on the environment and deterioration of working conditions, but also leads to significant product loss and increased cleaning costs.

Filler neck - PH 219, PH 273

The solution to this problem is the telescopic PH filler neck. It not only allows bulk material to be conveyed from bins, from conveyors, from silos and warehouses to conveyors, but can also adapt to different height differences between the material source and the conveyor.

By connecting the throat to the existing aspiration system, a vacuum is created which reduces dust to the surrounding area. If connection to an aspiration system is not possible, throats with (or without) an integrated filter module and fan shall be used.

Lowering and lifting of the neck can be manual or remote controlled, with control of the upper position and with control of the discharge cone's contact with the tank opening or the layer of the filled material.

PH filler necks are available with cones made of steel or stainless steel. The outlet of the neck can be fitted with an outlet cone for tankers or an apron for flatbed vehicles.
