Screens for scrubbers and scrapers
About the product
Screens for PETKUS, Buhler, ASP cleaning machines - according to the supplied pattern.
Screens for scrapping machines - vertical, horizontal. Correct adjustment of pre-cleaners and grain cleaners is a classic problem of the operators of these machines. To help our customers at least in selecting the right sieves for a given crop, we have prepared crop pre-cleaning and crop cleaning sieve tables, which have been compiled based on the long experience of our technicians.
Correct selection and alignment of the sieves is the first prerequisite for good seed cleaning.
Pre-cleaning sieve table: K 525, K 527 - two-sieve level

Sieve table for intensive cleaning: K 545, K 547 - three-sieve level

Explanatory notes:
K- circular perforated sieve
P- elongated perforated sieve
When pre-cleaning, it is important that the upper sieves have circular perforations with different holes in each row to separate the supersaturated fractions and to distribute the material flow to the middle and lower sieves. The middle and lower sieves must have elongated perforations because of the greater possibility of separation of the sub-sieve.
If you are using screens that are not listed in the tables above, we will be happy to make custom screens for you.
At the same time we can offer you complete spare parts for PETKUS cleaners and pre-cleaners as well as training of your staff to operate these machines.
For any problems with cleaning seed crops, please contact our staff with confidence.