Sila – storage, intermediate, dispatch

About the product

Grain silos represent the most modern and best mechanised way of grain storage. They provide protection from external influences, control of humidity and temperature and make a major contribution to the efficient use of space.

We supply and assemble a wide range of galvanised silos with flat or tapered bottom. They are predestined for long-term storage of various dry, granular and granulated materials. They are used in various industries such as farms, grain warehouses, breweries, malting plants, distilleries, compound feed plants, mills, as well as in the storage of raw materials for the plastics industry and biofuels. We have delivered and built silos with a capacity of over 300,000 for our clients Tone!


We offer:
  • silos from proven and reliable partners - storage, intermediate and dispatch silos, stand-alone and mobile, for indoors and outdoors
  • silos supplied with different accessories according to the application
  • high quality galvanized construction with long service life
  • wide choice of sizes and capacities
  • comprehensive solutions for long-term and safe storage
  • customisation
  • process optimisation
  • our many years of experience and expertise
Storage silos for long-term storage

Storage silos are intended for long-term storage of large quantities of materials. They are most commonly used for storing grain, cereals and compound feed. However, silos that serve as storage tanks for cement, lime and other bulk building materials are no exception.

The proven designs include in particular Cylindrical (otherwise tower) silos with flat or conical/conical bottoms. As they can be built up to "height", they are not demanding on the built-up area. They can provide storage space for small, medium and large capacities and fully adapt to existing projects while maintaining a high degree of mechanisation for filling and later retrieval.


Intermediate silos usable in the production process

If you are looking for a solution, how temporarily store material between phases, your attention will be drawn to intermediate silos. They are not intended for long-term storage. Their role is to provide sufficient capacity and safe conditions in the processing and manufacturing process. These silos are designed to ensure smooth material flow between different technological operations and have been instrumental in minimising downtime. In most cases, they are part of complex process lines. They are connected to transport equipment and automated control systems.


Forwarding silos for optimised and fast retrieval

It is not only storage that is important for maintaining the quality of cereals or other bulk materials. It is also important to have well thought out well in advance the process of removing commodities. There is a way to make processes as efficient as possible and provide customers with the convenience of simplified loading. At fast dispatch of materials to transport vehicles (trucks, wagons) are designed for so-called. dispatch silos. They are constructed on the underpass construction and have a hopper with gravity gradient. Ideally, they are equipped with weighing systems to accurately measure the amount of material loaded, so that vehicles can be continuously sent out on the road without the risk of overloading.


See photo gallery of our realizations and in case of questions we are available at any time to find a solution that will be fully customized to your needs.
